AMA ON BITGET TG CHANNELOn March 9th, our CMO Harun Sarikurt addressed the Bitget Global telegram community with more than 47,000 people. Here is the AMA excerpt…Mar 10, 2022Mar 10, 2022
Introducing TegistoMeet Tegisto, a modern decentralized exchange and automated market maker protocol that is powered by TrueFeedBack. Tegisto will be the hub…Mar 9, 2022Mar 9, 2022
TFBX CELO NEW CONTRACT ANNOUNCEMENTTFBX contract on Celo is changing. As you may know, many tokens had to switch from Optics V1 bridge to Optics V2 bridge due to the security…Mar 3, 2022Mar 3, 2022
Truefeedback’s New Tokenomics and Token SwapAs Truefeedback, we have prepared our new token economy that will be valid in 2021–2025.Jan 27, 202113Jan 27, 202113
Truefeedback BlackStar is Live!In March 2020, a new roadmap was published to specify the features to be provided for the application and infrastructure by Truefeedback…Dec 13, 2020Dec 13, 2020